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Digitální knihovna - Historian of Post Servis & Philately


This publication aims to be a platform for publishing additions, updates and corrections of errors in the Votoček monographs, as well as in the catalogues of postmarks by Müller and Klein. The primary goal is not to publish additions to these postmarks catalogues or to compete with the work of other collectors on these deliveries, but to collect and display from current collectors the maximum number of items on which to base these updates and deliveries. It is a sort of ongoing record and publication of various discoveries, highlighting items of interest in this context published in other publications, so that collectors can be made aware in one place of the basis on which future updates will be based. At the same time, the aim is to make these discoveries continuously available to foreign collectors, who can contribute many interesting items to the subject.

This electronic periodical will be published as new discoveries and scans accumulate, and it is expected that it could be published 3 times a year.

Of course discoveries and findings by the collecting public are welcome!

Historian of Post Servis & Philately Nr. 3 (2024/2)

Contents: The third issue follows up on the new discoveries of postmark unlisted in the Muller, Klein and Votoček catalogues. These are postmarks either not yet published or, in the case of the prestamps postmarks, with an earlier date of use too. This volume includes a number of registered and "franco" postmarks from important Czech collections.

Publication date: 30 Jun 2024 Size: 20.7 MB Number of Pages: 82

The file can be downloaded directly from our server

Historian of Post Servis & Philately Nr. 2 (2024/1)

Contents: Excerpt from the publications by W. Schubert and W. Demuth, "Müller unbekannt"; Newly discovered pre-stamp postmarks or older dates of use; Newly discovered postmarks and their variants from 1850-68 and other...In the second issue, the new discoveries of postmarks missing in the Muller and Votoček catalogues are followed up, and the range of postmarks missing in the Klein catalogue is also added. Again, these are either unpublished postmarks or, in the case of pre-stamps postmarks, earlier dates of use. We hope that this platform will be of interest to other collectors both in the Czech Republic and abroad.

Publication date: 12 Dec 2023 Size: 20.7 MB Number of Pages: 82

The file can be downloaded directly from our server

Historian of Post Servis & Philately Nr. 1 (2023/1)

Contents: Excerpt from the publications by W. Schubert and W. Demuth, "Müller unbekannt"; Newly discovered pre-stamp postmarks or older dates of use; Newly discovered postmarks and their variants from 1850-68 and other...

Publication date: 12 Dec 2023 Size: 19.3 MB Number of Pages: 82

The file can be downloaded directly from our server





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